
[Utrecht] The Volcanoes A Philosophical Performance

The Barricade invites on this special evening the theatre group AstaroTheatro to perform their play Volcanoes.

“The Volcanoes” are current Odysseus’s who are wandering around, displaced and destroyed. They are souls who are “carrying” the confusion, the illusions and the chaos of humanity… they are down there, feeling the cutoff of the true soul.

[Leiden] Dakloosheid, precair wonen en kraken - Theater en debat

Op vrijdag 17 maart organiseert Theater de Generator in de Leidse Vrijplaats een toneel- en debatavond over dakloosheid en woonrecht, met onder meer de voorstellingen “Zie je (mij) wel” van Theaterwerkplaats SMIT en “HIP” van Jolie Booth, en ee [node:read-more:link]

Theatervoorstelling - 'Oranges & Olive Pits'

The AGA is hosting a (benefit) theatre/storytelling event in Teatro Munganga  Saturday March 7! There will be music, food and ...stories!

The fantastic Spindlevine Collective will be performing their show 'Oranges & Olive Pits', a story they've put together especially for, and at the request of the Internationaal Storytelling Festival. [node:read-more:link]