
[Amsterdam] Anarchistische Boekenbeurs Amsterdam

De Anarchistische Boekenbeurs Amsterdam gaat voor een tweede editie! Na groot succes vorig jaar bij het jubileum van de Anarchistische Bibliotheek Bollox, gaan we verder met boeken, zines, kleding, buttons, uitgevers, distro's, workshops, films, praatjes, veganistisch eten en een avond programma met live muziek. [node:read-more:link]

[Nijmegen] Start leesgroep / Start reading circle 'Caliban and the Witch'

After the startmeeting where people have had the chance to get to know eachother, share ideas on how to read the book and collectively buying it, this will be the first day to truely start with the reading circle. [node:read-more:link]

[Nijmegen] Leesgroep / Reading group 'Caliban and the Witch'

What do the witch trials in Europe and the conquest of the Americas have to do with the birth of capitalism?

In “Caliban and the Witch”, the social science scholar and activist Silvia Federici retells the process of primitive accumulation from a feminist perspective. In a bi-weekly reading cicle, starting at the beginning of January, we will read and discuss her book. [node:read-more:link]

[Bern, Zwitserland] Anarchist Bookfair 2018 - Collectives: Anarchy in Action

Collectives: Anarchy in Action

The next anarchist Bookfair in Bern (Switserland) is set on track.

It will again take place in the Gertrud-Wocker-Mensa in Bern on the 11th to the 13th of May.

Mor Infos will follow when we know more ourselves.

Stay tuned.